Outplacement Support

One21 Recruitment

Providing Better Employment Solutions with One21 ‘Job Steps’

Restructuring, Redundant, Retrenched?

Talk to your Employer / Employee about what services are on offer to help transition out of one company and into a new job.

‘Job Steps’ Outplacement Support services are designed specifically for those organisations going through restructuring, role disestablishment or redundancies. The aim is to support our client’s values of being a caring, professional and socially responsible workplace by helping their employees take positive steps to moving on. We help the employee manage the often-difficult transition out of their current job and into new opportunities.

One21 provides a personal and career counselling and CV / Job Application service and assists employees with preparation for finding a new job / applying for roles, identifying professional development needs or study options, or following whatever path they choose to take next.

Step One includes counselling and a productive session resulting in the employee having something tangible in the form of a CV to take away from the experience. Step Two provides ongoing counselling support, coaching and tools to apply for jobs.



  • Personal counselling to help overcome job loss
  • Employee consultation and career counselling session
  • Identify skills, strengths, weaknesses and areas for development
  • Go over past work history and complete job analysis of roles, responsibilities and achievements in the workplace
  • Establish objectives and create a profile summary with key skills
  • Updating CV using current style and formatting – a recruiters insight
  • Job search methods and job application tips
  • MyProfile online Behavioural profiling to establish strengths and work types
  • Look at future career steps and/or study options
  • Research job vacancies and potential employers
  • Identify key requirements in Position Descriptions
  • LinkedIn and other social media profiling updates
  • Job specific and/or generalised cover letter preparation
  • Coaching on Interview preparation, questions and techniques
  • CV and Cover Letter template provided in MS Word/PDF/email format


Exit Interviews $POA

One21 works on behalf of businesses running Exit Interviews for employees that are leaving their company, or have completed a significant project. Our consultants run professional, unbiased, objective, fair and positive Exit Interviews, which give the employee the opportunity to be heard. We can eliminate the issues associated with internal interviews, where it can often become personal and biased and the employee doesn’t feel comfortable sharing their feedback with their employer or is concerned about repercussions.

The purpose of this interview is to gather constructive feedback in order to improve aspects of the organisation, better retain employees, and reduce turnover.

The consultant completes a questionnaire and will ask why the employee is leaving, what specifically influenced their decision to leave, what could have kept them there, whether or not they are going to another company and what that company offers that their current company does not. We will find out what they valued while at the organisation and what aspects they may feel need improvement in order to increase employee engagement, performance, and loyalty.

Businesses can use this information to better align their HR strategy with what people look for in an employer and enact better practices in regards to training, support etc. The information gained from an exit interview can be used to assess what should be improved, changed, or remain intact. An organisation can use the results from exit interviews to increase productivity and engagement, and reduce the high costs associated with staff turnover.

Some examples of the value of conducting exit interviews include shortening the recruiting and hiring process, reducing absenteeism, improving innovation, sustaining performance, and reducing possible litigation if issues mentioned in the exit interview are addressed.


Contact Kirsty Morrison at One21 to confidentially discuss what options are best for your situation.

One21 – HR and Recruitment Outsourcer

Email: kirsty.recruiting@gmail.com

Ph: 021 355 179



“Kia Ora Kirsty. Thank you very much for all your help with my CV and Job Step’s. I have read it and am very pleased with the outcome. I also enjoyed meeting with you. You certainly made the task of preparing my CV and job hunting a lot less daunting and for that I thank you very much. I came away feeling very positive.” K Murray


One21 Recruitment Agency Tauranga


Tauranga, 3110
New Zealand

Contact Us

Email: kirsty@one21.co.nz
Mobile: 021 355 179

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